Monday, July 14, 2014

North Star Reach (Adword & Analytics)

I talk to the Marji today regarding the Adword performance and the note from Google (Click HERE for Google Note). 

The overall CTR is about 1.77%, means the ad of north star reach is showing to people about 7859 times and about 139 people click the ad ( Time frame:one month ). 

The CTR for sitelink is about 4.73%. It means when people search North Star Reach, the sitelink shows to people about 1501 times with 71 clicks. 

Therefore, there are 210 people looking into north star reach website in a month. Comparing to last quarter, we have a big jump on the Adword performance.

In Google Analytics, I created three views and set up four goals last week.

For Summer 14 RAW view, we never set up any filters in it. And for Summer 14 Master, we recommend filters AFTER it has been tested and proven. Finally, we test one or more filters in Summer 14 Test.

The goals of "page view" and "time on site" are for North Star reach ad group. I wanna measure that how long do those parents look about their website and understand what North Star Reach doing, then they should realize the North Star Reach will fit their needs (Special Children Camps). The goal of donation is to measure how many people make a donation and what the conversion rate is. The goal of contactus_News_Volunteer is to measure the conversion rate for how many people fill out the contact us form (the form includes contact us, sign up news and sign up for volunteer). 

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